
I work on topics in tech policy and social policy. Right now I’m especially interested in AI regulation, biases embedded in legal institutions, and the future of work. I use tools from behavioral economics and machine learning. My approach allows me to develop the basic science of decision-making while yielding policy insights. Here’s what I’ve found so far:

  • Algorithmic recommendation systems learn our subconscious biases and spread them across online communities. (WP)

  • Money is more motivating for Western workers than it is for workers elsewhere in the world. (NHB 2024)

  • Venture capitalists consistently invest in startups that are predictably doomed to fail. (WP)

  • Criminal justice algorithms are vulnerable to biased usage above and beyond any bias in the algorithms themselves. (WP)

  • Groupthink causes juries to systematically convict defendants, independent of guilt. (PNAS 2020)

Here are some questions I’m thinking about:

  • How much of our motivation to work is driven by economic need versus mere socialization?

  • Is the consolidation of dating app companies distorting modern dating?

  • Are differences in today’s local laws traceable to local differences in the intensity of historical slavery?

  • Is there a reliable cure for groupthink?